Voyage to the Galapagos Worksheet

Voyage to the Galapagos Worksheet Movie Summary: Alan Alda follows in Charles Darwin's footsteps, meeting the animals and birds that inspired Darwin's theory of evolution. Alda joins scientists who witness the daily struggle for survival that has shaped the Galapagos Islands'... (more details for Voyage to the Galapagos *)

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File #3347 Info: Created by Daniel Noble on May 07, 2019 using California State standards for students at a grade 9-10 level.


File #2589 Info: Created by Kversteeg on April 24, 2014 using Kansas State standards for students at a grade 6-8 level.


File #990 Info: Created by Dave Rowan on February 25, 2010 using California State standards for students at a grade 9-10 level.